Apple Pressing Weekend 21st & 22nd October

Celebrating National Apple Pressing Day

Due to the popularity of our apple pressing day, we are once again going to be opening the gardens to celebrate apple harvest day.

If we are being honest, our apple trees have not produced the same amount of fruit as last year, so the more apples that are brought along the better.

Important details

Dates: Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd October

Opening Times: 10am to 4pm

Access: Free Entry to the gardens

Parking: Plenty available

Bottling: There will be a small charge for pressing apples into glass bottles. We will also have some pre-pressed apple juice available to buy.

Food & Drink: Common Coffee will once again have their cafe open for toasties, cakes, coffees, and teas.

We have an electric apple press so it is not quite as labour intensive, but it is a great activity to involve your children with.

Come and join us for a family day out.

Climbing frame will be open and dogs on leads are allowed.